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Complete 3 Requirements to earn this patch

1. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of enslaved Americans find freedom. T hey traveled along a route with a conductor, helper from up north that had already escaped, they typically followed the north star along the route. View a map of the underground route OR take a hike along a path they used OR visit a historical site from the underground railroad.

2. When the children that traveled on the underground railroad arrived up north they were able to e attend school with other children. For many years some of the children did not get the opportunity to attend school so they were behind on learning. They created cards and practiced writing at home. Play a game that helps you learn OR create a game that teaches you something OR create flash cards.

3. The children that escaped through the underground railroad needed to catch up with school. Their new friends would help them with the school work. They wrote on slates and read primer books. Often several grades were taught in the same classroom. Make a knap sack and place your lunch in it OR draw a knap sack and draw food you would eat OR write on a slate OR read a early primer book OR help someone at school with their work.

4. During the war people reached out to those that were or separated from their families. To earn money for families they would have craft fairs, bake sales, and carnivals with various booths or animals to ride to earn money. Attend an event and help the people at booths earn money OR create a booth to sale items OR complete community service project to assist a needy family.

5. Harriet Tubman was one of the most famous Underground Railroad conductors. A conductor is a code word used in the Underground Railroad to refer to someone that helps people escape to up north. Learn more about Harriet Tubman or another person that helped in the underground railroad.

6. Make your own map from the underground railrod or view one on line or in a book.

7. Codes were placed along the Underground Railroad. This allowed them to communicate with each other along the route. Learn a symbol, code, or hidden message.

8. There are many people that helped the people in the South escape to the North into freedom. Learn more about one of these people and what they did to help. Some examples are: Harriet Tubman, Levi Coffin, and William Still.

9. Quilts and sewing were popular things to do for leisure time and for jobs in the time of the 1800s. Learn more about Underground Railroad quilts, make your own out of fabric or paper, learn a new sewing trick, or do a sewing project.

10.. In the times of the 1800s, there was a rich culture of food that people connected with. Try a new recipe that was made in this time period or make a modern twist on one. Some examples are: cornbread, sweet potato pie, biscuits, and jam-filled cookies.

11. Songs and games were made up to pass the time while living in this time period. A famous song on the Railroad is "We are Climbing Jacob's Ladder." Explore new games and songs or make up one that you think would be a good one to use during this time period. Some games that were popular were: jump roping, hide-and-seek, juba pat, relay and tossing games, matching games, riddles, puzzles, jokes, and games involving balls.

12.. Learn about how women and men dressed in the 1800s. Research the clothing choices on the internet or a book, color a paper doll, or make up your own clothing after looking in a book.

13. Family was very dear to the people escaping through the railroad. Think about if you were escaping and you had to leave someone behind. Write a letter to a family member and tell them how important they are to you, do something special for a family member, or tell them how much you appreciate them.

14. April 9th is the day that the Civil War ended and was celebrated with fireworks, food, new dresses, and games. Have a party with festive food, games, and tell stories to each other. You can decorate cupcakes or cookies to look like the American flag or celebrate with sparklers. .

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