Chile Historically Speaking Patch
Hola! Learn more about the Andes Mountains, Easter Island, chili peppers, the Spanish language, animals like pumas, guanaco, or pudus, food like sopaipillas and pastel de choclo, tonada music, and much more.Pictured on the patch is the Andes Mountains and statues from Easter Island. PARTICIPATE IN THINKING DAY OR COMPLETE 3 REQUIREMENTS TO EARN THE PATCH. 1. Chile is a country in South America. Chile is the longest narrowest country in the world. Chile’s motto is Por la rason o la fuerza (“By Reason or By Force”). Locate Chile on a map and its Capital. Identify its flag. The Capital City of Chile is Santiago. Chile’s flag is red, white and blue. The bottom stripe is red with a white stripe stacked on top, and in the left hand corner, a blue box containing a white star. 2. In Chile, the official language is Spanish; however it is different from that of the Spanish spoken in neighboring countries because of the accent. Accents vary only slightly from north to south, and there is a difference between the accents spoken among the social classes. There are also many different indigenous languages spoken as well in regions all across the country. These languages are only spoken in the minority and many are ceasing to exist. Choose a language to learn how to speak a phrase OR some words. 3. Chilean cuisine is heavily based upon seafood, meats, fruits and vegetables because of the large variety of food grown and produced in the country. Tomatican Con Pulpa De Cerdo (Chilean Summer Pork Stew), Chicken Dobladitas, and Empanadas are all examples of common dishes served in Chile. Common crops in Chile that also appear in the cuisine are: Olives, maize, cherimoya, quinoa and potatoes. Try some foods from Chile or make a recipe from Chile. 4. Chile has many national holidays one that is specific to Chile is The Festival of La Tirana. Other holidays include The Chilean Independence Day and the Rapa Nui Festival on Easter Island, a territory of Chile. Visit a cultural celebration or re-creation of a holiday event OR learn the background of the celebrated holiday or festival OR create a drawing OR art project, OR prepare a food.
5. Dancers in Chile perform to instrumental music dressed in traditional outfits. To celebrate the National Independence Day, they perform the national dance of Chile called the Cueca. The dancers wave handkerchiefs above their heads during the dance, it symbolizes the feathers of the bird or the rooster’s comb. Some instruments that are played in Chile are the trumpet, trombone, Spanish guitar, mandolin, flute, and drums. Watch a dance or learn more information about a dance and try your own moves.
6. In Chile, the myths and legends can be about ancient mythology from the indigenous tribes of Chile or about the Spanish Colonization. Read a story, legend, OR listen to a legend or play. 7. Chile was once made up of many indigenous tribes, however today many of the population do not practice traditional customs. The artists of the Mapuche people specialize in silver jewelry, musical instruments, and weaving ponchos, rugs, and blankets in vibrant colors. Northern Chilean artists weave alpaca and llama hair for clothing, wall hangings, blankets and rugs. In the Central area, black pottery, terra-cotta, and jewelry made from bright blue gemstones call lapis. Create a craft or project using a traditional a skill OR jewelry OR observe someone creating a handicraft OR a traditional craft from Chile. 8. Chile western coastline stretches 2600 miles along and lies completely west of the Andes mountains. Its widest point is only at 265 miles east to west. It also has over 1,000 volcanoes. Chile has a wide range of weather climates from desert to arctic tundra, tropical to Mediterranean and many other varieties. Learn more about one of the geographical areas of Chile OR complete an outdoor activity that. Examples: Swimming, skiing, fishing, hiking, biking, rafting, canoeing, and walking. 9. Chile does not have the typical rainforest humid air found in other South American countries therefore the wildlife found in their country is different. Llamas and alpacas are domesticated animals. Their land contains many plants and animals to observe. Choose [3] animals, trees, OR plants from Chile to learn more about. Examples include: Guanaco, vicuna, mountain cat, donkey, Chinchilla, copihue flower, and the alerce tree. 10. Easter Island is an island in the southern pacific ocean. It is a territory of Chiles and is famous for its 800+ monumental statues known as moai. These statues were created by the early Rapanui people of the island. These statues were estimated to be created from about 1100-1680, and there are a total of 887 statues documented. A moai statue took about a year for a team of about 5 or 6 men to create, and they were very heavy, making it difficult to transport them in the ancient times. Look up pictures of the Moai heads in Easter Island and learn a new fact about them OR learn more about Easter Island and the stone age. 11. Traditional clothing in Chile for women are full length skirts that are either decorated with tribal symbols or are plain red and black. A blouse paired with a blanket, shawl or jacket. Men normally wear clothing that reflects a cowboy style. The pants are dark colored and typically tucked into boots, a white button up shirt, hat, and poncho. Draw a picture of the clothing, dress up in a Chilean themed costumes, create an accessory, complete our paper dolls OR view traditional clothing through books or the internet or our country manual. 12. There are a variety of games played in Chile by children. Many games were brought over by Spanish colonizers from Europe. Learn a traditional game OR play a game that symbolizes Chile. Some examples include: El Trompo, Corre corre la Gueraca, Corre el Anillo, and water games.
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