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Egypt Historically Speaking Patch

Our Price: $1.89

Wrap yourself like a mummy and stager into the land of Egypt. Bask in the hot sun while you discover Hieroglyphics, King Tut, faience, golden jewelry, pyramids, crowns and desserts.

HISTORICALLY SPEAKING EGYPT PATCH PROGRAM [complete 3 requirements to earn this patch]

1. Egypt is located on two continents. Which two continents are they? Locate Egypt on a map and identify two of its cities. What is the modern capital of Egypt today? Identify the Egyptian flag and the type of currency they use. Identify the structures on the patch.

2. The ancient Egyptians wrote using a pictographic alphabet, a system of pictures called “hieroglyphics”. How did the Rosetta Stone help decipher these writings? Try writing a word or phrase using hieroglyphics or write the entire 19 letter alphabet or make a cartouche with your name on it.

3. Ancient Egyptians usually wore white linen clothing. Women wore ankle length dresses and noblemen wore a white linen kilt with a robe. Learn more about other traditional shoes, wigs, jewelry, and headdresses and accessories that were worn. Draw a picture of clothing worn during this period of time or design your own outfit.

4. Faience is a glazed blue pottery that is used for beads, vases, and wall tiles. Some common uses for faience during ancient times were glassware, alabaster jars, gold jewelry, chairs, chests, and beautiful baskets. Weave a basket or create an art project, piece of jewelry, jewelry box, or a piece of pottery.

5. The history of Ancient Egypt can be traced back to 6000 BC. For thousands of years, Egypt was ruled by kings and queens. Two of the most notable were King Tutankhamum, who ruled in 1334 BC and Cleopatra who reigned in 51 BC. Choose two important people or events in Egyptian history to research or create a timeline, Egyptian crown or picture of a ruler.

6. Some games or toys that the children in Ancient Egypt played with were spinning tops, wooden horses and dolls, bowling and games with balls, and hounds and jackals. Learn about one of the games in Egypt and play it OR create a game or toy similar to the Egyptian version.

7. The Ancient Egyptians were experts in building, surveying, and engineering. Research some of the inventions or scientific discoveries the Egyptians used. Such as, papyrus, pyramids, glass, or board games.

8. Almost all of Egypt is located in the Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world. How did the desert protect the people? What other types of terrain is located in Egypt? Find out what bodies of waters border this country. What is Egypt’s main water source and why does it flood the land?

9. Egyptians celebrate over twelve holidaus which honor a person or event. Some examples are: Epiphany; Eid Al Fitr, Ramadan and Easter. Visit a celebration of one of these events OR learn why this holiday is celebrated. You may also create an art project, color eggs, or enjoy some food such as fatir, pancakes, or Umm ali, raisin cakes.

10. Have you heard of the seven ancient wonders? The Great Giza pyramid in Egypt is the only ancient wonder that still exists. Choose a form of architecture or a sculpture to research. Some facts you should learn are its location, date of origin, and creator. Complete one of the following projects: Draw a picture of a Egyptian structure or create a diorama or model, such as a pyramid made out of sugar cubes or cardboard or a sphinx carved out of clay.

11. All Egyptians enjoy parties and lively entertainment. Egyptians’ banquets are filled with jugglers, acrobats, musicians, dancers and storytellers to make the event one to remember. Enjoy some similar entertainment, make a cushion for sitting, play a musical instrument, learn how to juggle, or create a fable or story of your own.

12. Dishes made with vegetables, fruits and bread are an average part of an Egyptian meal. During ancient times, only the wealthy ate dishes that included meats. Learn more about foods or recipes that are eaten in Egypt. Some examples are: Upside Down Cherry Pudding, Kosheri, Turli, semit, and mango milkshakes.

13. The pharaoh was the most important person in Egypt. They wore a double crown called the pschent and held the crook and flail. Find out out what these objects represent. You may also create your own jewelry or other objects representing royalty.

14. Most of the houses in Ancient Egypt were built using mud bricks with flat roofs. Palaces and temples were built using complex and stable designs. Egyptians used horses and feluccas, large boats, for transportation. Why were some houses placed on higher platforms? Research the elaborate details of the palaces, or the modest construction of a common home, or design your own town or construct a palace, house, felucca or piece of furniture.

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