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Juliette Low Kit

Our Price: $5.99

Use this kit to complete the Juliette Low patch program.

Can be used to earn any and all of the patches [Over 89 pages long and includes: games, recipes, crafts, activity sheets, easy to make informational booklets, and Daisy Bingo cards--NEW REVISIONS ADDED [Including swap ideas, letterboxing journal, recipes from scouts, and a short story of Juliette Low.]

If you have already earned one of our Juliette Low patches then you only need to complete ONE requirement to earn another patch in the series.

Have a Juliette Low Celebration playing Victorian games and crafts. Her Birthday is October 31, earn this patch by celebrating her birthday with a Masquerade Ball, Birthday Celebration, Picnic, and much more. March 12th marks the date of the first scout meeting for girls.

COMPLETE ONE REQUIREMENT TO EARN EACH PATCH. Requirement does not have to be specific to what the design is on the patch. Suggestions are provided per patch.

1. Find out more about Juliette Low. When and where was she born? What were the name her parents and siblings? What was her maiden name? [Juliette Low#2, is age 10 of her in front of her Birthplace] Refer to the “Timeline Booklet #1 in the Juliette Low kit”

2. When Juliette Low was in elementary school she would spend the summer with her cousins at Etowah Cliffs in northern Georgia. Her cousins came from several families to spend time together at their aunt's plantation. Juliette Low enjoyed using her imagination to create games. Her favorite pastime was writing and starring in plays or skits. Choose one of the activities she enjoyed with her cousins: Blind man’s bluff, tag, bubble blowing, biographical nonsense (madlibs), tic-tac-toe, paper dolls, acting out a skit or play, making costumes, play in a tree house, make homemade lemonade, painting, and drawing. [Juliette Low Series 25– Summers at Etowah Cliffs] Refer to the “Games and Timeline Skit” section in the Juliette Low kit

3. When Juliette Low, Daisy, was a child, what types of toys did she play with? Most of the toys were homemade, consisting of wood, and still played with by children today. Play a game or toy from this time period: Jump rope, graces, hoop and stick, marbles, tops, yo-yo, Jack straws, (pick up sticks), nine-men’s morris, cat’s cradle, jacks, and thaumatrope. [Juliette Low Series #5 at age 8 playing with her doll in her backyard.] Refer to the “Craft” section in the Juliette Low kit

4. Did you know that Daisy created a children’s magazine in which everything including all the articles and illustrations were completed by children? Create a collage of the things Juliette Low enjoyed, create a timeline of her life, or complete the book available in our kit. [All the Juliette Series depict her timeline of life] Refer to the “Timeline Booklet #1 in the Juliette Low kit”

5. Daisy enjoyed painting, sculpting, drawing and designing. Some of her artwork is displayed at her Birthplace, in Savannah, Georgia. Create an art project. Examples include: watercolors, clay sculptures, design a room, or draw portraits. The choice is yours; art is an expression of the creators feelings or enjoyments. [Juliette Low Series #11, depicts Juilette Low, age 17 near a waterway in Savannah, GA creating an artistic painting of nature.] Refer to the “Craft” section in the Juliette Low kit

6. Juliette Low married William Mackay on December 21, 1886. They both enjoyed adventures. She wore a white gown with diamond star pins. She designed a pin with a daisy of diamonds and the year 1886 on the flower stem to give to all the bridesmaids at the wedding. Find out what tragic event happened after their wedding vows, where did they live after the wedding, where did they move to in 1887? For extra, you may also, find out more about other countries she traveled to. [Juliette Low Series 18 - Wedding Day, with image of pin she gave her bridesmaids]

7. On March 12th, 1912, Juliette Low started the first scouting program for girls. This organization was so important to her that she sold her pearls to keep the program running. Where was the first troop formed and how many participants were there? What did the first uniform look like? Complete an activity or game from a historical badge book or a current scout award book. Some examples are: Kim’s game, charades, make flags out of colored paper, practice your first aid, make cocoa, prepare a meal or sketch a bird. [Juliette Low#4, is her in in her scout uniform".] Refer to the “Recipe” section, “Booklet #3 Recipes, Tea Manners and Booklet # 5 Historical Clothing” in the Juliette Low Kit. You can also earn our Vintage Scouting Skill and Scouting Through Time patches.

8. Daisy’s childhood home has been restored with furniture she had during her lifetime. Special events at her house are also offered to scouts including tea parties; manners; art and cross stitching. Visit her home, referred to as the Birthplace, send a craft to them for the gift shop, OR complete an activity (such as a tea party, research Savannah Georgia, view websites, watch a movie or read a book with Victorian furniture and accents, OR tour a Victorian house in your area). Refer to the “Booklet #4 Victorian Furniture [Juliette Low Series 1 - Savannah GA, in her Garden]

9. Daisy believed that everyone should be a friend to animals, be cheerful, and active citizens in the community help others. Complete a community service project that will help person, places or things. Some examples of projects she completed were caring for children, helping at hospitals, sewing, landscaping and teaching something new. [Choose any Juliette Low patch. All the Juliette Series depict her timeline of life] Refer to the “Craft and Community Service” section of the Juliette Low kit

10. Juliette Low encouraged all girls in scouting to be well-rounded individuals. She created a handbook in 1913 to aide them in becoming leaders, explorers, artists, and teachers. The program was built to enrich their body and mind. Some examples of activities were: Outdoors Camping, bird watch, nature studies, horseback riding; Health: Exercises, cooking, games; Art: Sculpting, woodcarving, music, painting; Science: Career study, stargazing, Morse code; Traveler/Patriotism: Flying, pathfinder, and patriotic songs. Complete an activity representing one of the five categories. [Juliette Low Series 10- Spring strolling down a cobblestone walk in Savannah, GA] Refer to Essential skills during Victorian times section or earn one of our Vintage Scouting Skill patches.

11. Daisy grew up in the Victorian period. She wore beautiful gowns with bustles in the back, carried a fan and a parasol. She once had stand in line to visit the Queen. It was such a long wait that she placed her bouquet of flowers on the bustle of the girl standing in front of her. One her favorite pastimes were creating paper dolls. Research this time period’s clothing or scouting uniforms through books or the internet), create a design of your own or make a paper doll. [Choose any Juliette Low patch. All the Juliette Series depict her timeline of life] Paper dolls are located in the Juliette Low kit of Victorian clothing and scouting uniforms.

12. Today, there are girls in scouting all over the world. In the United States, there are over 3 million. In every state there is a council and many troops, therefore giving every girl the opportunity to join. There are also four world centers that are located in four different countries. Find out where they are located, what their names are, and one thing about the country they are located in. [Juliette Low Series# 15 is in front of symbols for World Centers. India– Taj Mahal, Switzerland– Alps, Mexico– Chichen Itza, and England– Big Ben and Double Decker Bus ] Refer to the “Booklet #5 World Centers in the Juliette Low kit

13. Thinking Day was created in 1926 to join together all the girls in scouting around the world. On this day you can learn about different scouts or guides, their culture and games that are unique to their country. Every year you will explore another area therefore bringing you closer to new cultures and ideas. Participate in an International event, complete one of our country patch programs, get pen pals from another country, learn another language, or eat an international food. [Series 3– Buckingham Palace] OR Choose any Juliette Low patch. All the Juliette Series depict her timeline of life] Refer to the “Booklet #2 Thinking Day” or earn a Country patch or the Cultural Vintage Scouting Skill patch. [Refer to our country programs and manuals with assistance in completing this requirement. We also offer a Thinking Day patch, countries, and manuals.

14. On January 17, 1927 Juliette Low died of breast cancer. She was buried in her scout uniform at the Laurel Grove Cemetery located in Savannah Georgia. Later that year the World Friendship fund was established in honor of Juliette Low to promote scouting through the world. Create breast cancer ribbons, donate to the gravesite restoration, participate in any related community service project pertaining cancer, such as cards for cancer patients, change 4 change etc. [Choose any Juliette Low patch. All the Juliette Series depict her timeline of life] Refer to the “Craft and Community Service” section of the Juliette Low kit

15. Juliette Low attended Mesdemoiselles Charbonniers, a French finishing school in New York City when she turned 18. At school, she learned how to speak French, sit properly, dance, curtsy, and become a well mannered young lady. Learn a few words in French OR practice your manners for tea time or social gatherings. [Juliette Low Series 8 - Winter in New York City attending school] Refer to the “French Coloring Sheet” located in the Juliette Low kit

16. Juliette Low was born on October 31, Halloween, in 1860. Celebrate her birthday by having a Halloween party, masquerade ball, tea party, picnic, scout ceremony, special event OR by decorating cookies or cupcakes. For extra, design your own festive cake. [Limited Edition dated patch or Series 9- Fall theme] Refer to the “Holiday Craft” section of the Juliette Low kit

17. Earn one of our limited edition Juliette Low patches by participating or hosting an event. Create a craft, make decorations, enjoy refreshments or invite another friend or group to celebrate Juliette Low’s birthday to your celebration. [Limited Edition patches available annually.]

18. Daisy enjoyed creating crafts and giving to others. During the Victorian times valentines were decorated with lacy dollies, ribbons and scrap pictures. Common pictures that were used were angels, hearts, flowers, children, kittens, and cupids. Create a craft or activity representing Valentines Day. [Juliette Low Series #14- Valentines themed patch]

19. Juliette Low enjoyed the outdoors. As a child Tybee Island was not that far away from her birthplace. Create a craft or activity that represents the summer, marine life, sea shell art, sand art, or learn more about the marine life or Tybee Island. [Juliette Low Series #12-on Tybee Island gathering seashells]

20. Juliette Low lived during the Victorian times and many families would decorate their houses with wreaths, evergreen garlands, gingerbread houses, and handmade ornaments for the holiday season. Create a craft or activity representing the holidays. Examples include: Bake and decorate gingerbread cookies, string popcorn for garland, decorate a candle, create star shaped paper garland, pinecone ornament with ribbon and glitter glue, or homemade wrapping paper by stamping or coloring images on butcher paper or brown paper bags. [Juliette Low Series #13-festive holiday patch]

21. Juliette Low met Lord Baden-Powell in 1911. He told her about the scout program for girls in Scotland ran by his sister Agnes. She decided to start her first troop in Scotland of seven girls. They created tea parties for fundraisers. Have a tea party, learn more about Scotland, or have a celebration with a Scotland theme. [Choose any Juliette Low patch in her adulthood.]

22. Juliette Low was born in Savannah, Georgia. It has many historical buildings to visit or take pictures of. Learn more about one of these buildings or create a gingerbread house of your own. You can view them in books, websites or in person. Some examples are: Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace, Kehoe House, Andrew Low House, Davenport house, Wesley Church, and several cottages patterned after the classic Gingerbread house. [Juliette Low#2, is age 10 of her in front of her Birthplace] Refer to booklet in the Juliette Low kit of different buildings in Savannah Georgia.

23. When Juliette Low visited her Grandparents in Chicago for the first time there was shortage of sugar due to the war. She had never seen snow before so when she saw the white dust falling from the sky she ran to her mom and said, "We should gather all the sugar for the south it falls from the sky here". Complete a winter activity, create something with sugar sprinkles, or a winter craft. Examples include: Paper snowflakes, cookies or cupcakes, hot cocoa, snowman building, sledding, making Gingerbread houses, or holiday celebrations. [Juliette Low Series #26– First Time Seeing Snow] Refer to "Winter Crafts" in he Juliette Low kit

24. Juliette Low and her cousins created a club, TAC, "The Animal Catcher" to take care of the animals that they had rescued and already had. Her parents gave her a stall in the stable next to her horse to hold all her animals. Reach out and assist animals in your area. Examples: Donate items to animals in a shelter, take a tour of an animal hospital or VET, learn what different animals eat, OR help take care of animals. [Juliette Low Series #17-Animal Care patch OR Juliette and Polly - series # 22]

25. Juliette Low was visited by a beautiful Japanese lady to teach her about her culture when she was a girl. Later in life she visited Japan. Learn one new thing to learn about Japan. Choose one: tea ceremony, language, calligraphy, food, games, festivals or clothing. [Juliette Low Series #19-Japanese tea ceremony] Refer to the Japan Manual for more information

26. After Juliette Low started scouting for girls she would take her troop camping. She taught them how to pitch a tent, roast marshmallows, first aid, tell stories around the campfire and much more. Complete a camping related skill. Examples: go on a hike, rope skills, skits, gather wood, cook on a fire, identify trees, go letterboxing, make a swap or fire starter. [Juliette Low Series #20-Juliette is pictured in her camping uniform sitting on a log bench] Refer to the "camping crafts" in the Juliette Low Kit. Refer to the outdoor scouting skills kit for a large variety of information.

27. Juliette Low was given a locket by her grandmother for good luck, with her horse on one side and a picture of her on the other. Create a mom or grandma themed gift for a special occasion, celebrate Mother's Day or create a card, OR help out your grandma or mom with chores around the house. [Juliette Low Series #21-silhouettes of Juliette Low and grandmother and her surrounded by the locket]

28.The first mariner program was introduced in 1916 in Massachusetts. As the program progressed they introduced uniforms and requirements. Learn about water safety, take a boat ride, learn how to swim or go swimming, water aerobics, view boats in museums or complete any water related activity. [Juliette Low Series #24- Juliette Low -mariner program]

29. Juliette Low was born on October 31, Halloween, in 1860. Celebrate her birthday by having a Halloween party, masquerade ball, tea party, picnic, scout ceremony, special event OR by decorating cookies or cupcakes. For extra, design your own festive cake. 30. Juliette Low enjoyed going to the carnival when it came to town with her family and friends. Learn about clowns, circus tricks, circus animals or what goes on at a circus. Go to a circus, dress up like a clown, meet a clown, go to a party, draw a clown or circus animal, watch a movie about a carnival, or play a carnival related game. Some are: ring toss, beanbag toss, duck pond, a relay race, puppet show, fortune telling, or Juliette Low bingo or scavenger hunt. [Juliette Low Series #31- Juliette Low–at a carnival] Refer to the carnival free printout sheets available online and the carnival coloring sheet located in the book.

31. Complete a craft that relates to Juliette Low or her life. Some examples include: Juliette Low Bracelet Kits (order through Patchwork Designs, Inc.), animal puppets, a mask, pearl necklace, or camping craft. Refer to the variety of bracelet kits we offer and the craft section in the Juliette Low Kit.

32. Celebrate her birthday and the scout birthday annually to earn another patch in the series. [Choose any patch to earn from the series]

Please note: We have limited edition patches each year that will only be available for a limited time. The patches are dated with the current year and require to complete only one item to earn it, including an event.

© Patchwork Designs, Inc, 2025