#1-Laser Cut Adventure Girls
This is BOOK #1 of the Laser Cut Adventure girls. This book contains stories, activities, and blank stationary pages for Cecila from Switzerland; Elizabeth from England; Juliette Low, from Savannah, Georgia, USA; Maria from Mexico; and Salena from India.Please note each girl in this book is from one of the World Centers or Savannah Georgia, the birthplace of Juliette Low. Included in the book is an introduction about each girl's life, their culture, and clothing she wears. In addition, there are crafts, games, and recipes that will enhance your knowledge of her country and lifestyle. The laser cut girls are great for having the participants learn more about their country they have chosen to study for Thinking Day events, winter holiday vacation, summer vacation, or other group projects.
If you are only learning about one specific country, simply go to the page number noted on the table of contents and complete the activities that pertain to that country. You are allowed to copy all the activity sheets for the participants including the stationery so they can take it home and write their story.
© Patchwork Designs, Inc, 2025