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Patchwork Designs Web Store

Marvelous Hero Patch (Higher Further Faster)

List Price: $2.00
Our Price: $1.23
You save: $0.77 (39%)

Order this patch if you watched a movie, read comics, dressed up like a superhero or attended anything superhero related.

Choose one requirement to earn this patch

1. Watch a movie with this theme.

2. Read a book or comic book with this theme.

3. Create a paper airplane or craft that represents the story.

4. Draw your own superhero costume. Do you have any superpowers?

5. Learn more about one of the characters in the book or movie. Such as special features, talents, or unique personalities.

6. Create your own short comic strip and include a marvelous hero.

7. Visit an air and space museum, OR learn more about planes, OR what it takes to be a fighter pilot.

8. You have special powers to be a marvelous hero by assisting others in need. Choose a community service project to complete to help others.

9. Create or enjoy a snack or treat that represents the movie or book. Examples: popcorn, galaxy donuts, colorful cookies, or sandwiches.

10. Create an accessory cape, mask, or decorate your clothing to represent a superhero theme.

11. Attend an event or participate in activity about real life women heroes of the present. Learn about one. Their career and what they have achieved. Examples: Veterans, nurses, teachers, writers, pilots etc.

12. Attend an event or participate in activity about real life women heroes of the past. Learn about one and what they have achieved. Examples: Florence Nightingale, Anne Sullivan, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Anne Frank and more.

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