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Patchwork Designs Web Store

Mermaid World

List Price: $2.00
Our Price: $1.50
You save: $0.50 (25%)

Patch details: 2.75 inch -95% embroidered

This patch is great for learning more about mermaids, ocean life, and the world they live in.
For extra, you can download our FREE marine life kit to learn more about the ocean life.
Click here for the free marine life kit

Patch Program Requirements

1. Watch a movie or read a book with this theme.

2. Mermaids like to be fashionable and like to wear jewels, shells, and colorful attire. Create an accessory or costume fit for a mermaid. Examples: crowns, seashell shaped jewelry, hair wreaths, fish hair charms, costumes, and bracelets. The ideas are endless.

3. Swim into world of wonder with activities such as water fun games, sand art, fish themed crafts, dig for items in a sand pile, treasure hunt, and crab races.

4. There are a variety of swimming tales, celebrations, and events that are about mermaids. Find out more about a mermaid event, party, celebration and attend or host one.

5. Many people collect sea shells. They are pretty, shiny and great for art projects. Did you
know that animals live in shells? Learn about one marine animal that have a shell, what it
looks like, and its color OR create an art project with shells. Examples include oysters,
clams, scallops, conch, and mussels.

6. Fun food creations or decorated cakes are always an exciting to create. Create or serve fun food to feel the theme of mermaids or ocean animals. Examples: Ocean castle cake adorned with gummy fish, candy seashells, and other fun designs; chocolate dipped seashells, madelines dipped in chocolate; goldfish grotto mix; brownies cut into fish shapes, add sprinkles to make a rainbow fish; decorated cupcakes with gummy sharks or fish; turtle candies or cookies.

7. Did you know there are different types of mermaids? Learn more about one type of mermaid. Examples: Shipsavers, mermaids that watch after ships in the sea; Whalecallers, they call whales to their side with a song; Wishgiver, live in freshwater and wishing wells; Dreambender, live beneath waterfalls and grant dreams; Shapeshifter, change into other things live near beaches or sea; or Landwalker, they can change their form into a human.

8. There are a large variety of fish and small animals in the ocean. They can be found in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Choose one fish to learn more about. What do they eat, where do they live, and what do they look like? Examples: Seahorse, clown fish, flounder, or starfish.

9. Mermaids love to sing. Their songs and music can calm the sea and make you feel as happy as they are. Choose a mermaid theme song or make up your own song to sing about the mermaid life.

10. Assist in helping with a water or marine life community life activity with your family or group. Example: adopt a marine life animal, help someone earn a marine life patch, help at a seashore or water area clean-up, teach others about marine life at an event or group setting, learn more about sea turtles and why they are protected (share it with others), reduce waste by recycling and cutting the plastic 6-pack bands apart, conserve water, don't leave trash on the beaches or water areas, adopt a beach, volunteer at marine life facility, or follow ocean rules at events like no feeding animals or don't throw anything overboard if you are boat outing.

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