Patchwork Designs Web Store
Patchwork Designs Web Store
Spy Disguised
Patch Details: 2.5 inch patch (laser cut)1. Take an adventure through a book or movie that involves mystery or spy theme 2. Attend a special event or meeting that has a spy or mystery theme. 3. Learn more about spy gadgets. Choose one to learn more about. Example: Watch disguised as a recording device. 4. Create a craft that represents the mystery or spy theme. 5. Draw a picture from a book or movie that represents the theme of the patch. 6. Create treats that have a mystery element inside or projects the theme of the patch. Decorate cupcakes or cookies; cake, sparkle punch, or pudding cups with fun candies inside. 7. Learn more about trains and how they work OR learn what the conductors job is. 8. Create community service project with a mystery or animal theme. Mystery is to donate anonymously to those in need. Create a card, donate toys, books, pajamas, or help by adopting a child from the angel tree.
© Patchwork Designs, Inc, 2025