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Wizarding World of WRITING--NEW!

List Price: $2.50
Our Price: $1.99
You save: $0.51 (21%)

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Wizard Journal- Decorate the inside yourself

1. Create your own magical creature booklet. Use our creature cards to color and design OR print out pictures of creatures for your book OR draw pictures for your book OR use any other medium to create the book.

2. Create your own magazine for the wizard world. Add in advertisements, special codes, and information about the quibbling gossip around the school or town.

3. During your many adventures of the wizarding world you have collected photos and special tokens that you can place in your own memorable scrapbook of your adventures. Create your own scrapbook of your wizarding or school fun. Don't forget to journal about your adventures. Click here to see all the scrapbooks we offer, including wizard themed.

4. Draw out your own secret wizard map on paper. Include footsteps of where people have been. Create your own quest and draw people or items you would see on your map. Where are you? Examples: castle, forest, train, or your room.

5. Magical books with spells and potions have assisted wizards in cures, defense, and many more tasks. Create a spell or potion from a booklet.

6. Create your own daily journal and write down you daily activities, goals, school work and more.

7. When you apply for wizard school you receive a letter of acceptance. Write a list of the items you will need for school.

8. View a world or country map and choose a landmark, place or wizard school to learn more about. Which one did you choose? What is the name of of the landmark, place, or school? Where is it located?

9. Use a book or informational booklet or writing about herbs to assist you in creating a potion. What potion did you create?

10. Design your own simple one inch rubber stamp to use on your memos or writings you send to family and school mates. Examples: Your initials, unique image, animals, and more.
Click here to order a custom stamp. Someone will email you asking for your custom order image or idea.

11. Many letters and notes are sent through the wizarding mail. Send your own note, postcard, or note through the mail or hand delivered to a person.

12. Design your own writing paper, decorate a notebook, make a book cover, or any other artistic craft relating to books, writings, magazines or more.

13. Some of the wizard booklets, magazines and notes are written in a secret code. Create a secret message, decipher a message, or write a note in a secret code.

14. Many classes are taught in the wizarding school. Each class needs a book to assist you in your studies. Choose a subject and use a book to learn more about it and complete a task representing the subject. Examples include: Divination, astronomy, creatures, dark arts, music, herbology, forestry, spells, potions and more.

15. Make a wizard writing creation of your choice. Be creative and use themed wizard items, rubber stamps, markers, special papers, stickers, and more.

16. Create your own book. It could be of any style. Examples: accordion folded, stapled, glued or more.

17. Learn how to complete wizard paperwork for wand permits, pet permits, and travel documents. (templates available in our travel and pet kits)

18. Read a book relating to story about magic or a magical character. Examples include: Harry Potter®, Aladdin®, Cinderella®, The Chronicles of Narnia ®, and Magic School Bus® and Magic Tree House®.

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