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50th Anniversary of the FIRST WALK ON THE MOON-USA

Our Price: $1.79

Learn more about the first walk on the moon in the USA to earn this patch.

50th Anniversary MOON kit-decorate a wooden rocket (that stands up)

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After a successful liftoff from Earth, Apollo 11 reached the moon’s orbit 76 hours later. Collins stayed in the main Apollo command module while Armstrong and Aldrin used the lunar module, nicknamed Eagle, to travel to the moon’s surface.

After safety preparations were in, Neil Armstrong stepped outside onto the shallow crater on the moon’s surface known as the Sea of Tranquility.

His words during that historic moment are now famous: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Astronaut Buzz Aldrin joined him soon after, and they spent hours performing tests and collecting samples of rock to bring back to earth.

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