SPEAKING SOUTH AFRICA PATCH PROGRAM 1. South Africa has a variety of landscapes and terrains. What is the capital city and what does the flag look like? For Extra, find out what items are located on the patch. 2. There are eleven [11] official languages of South Africa. English, Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Pedi, Sotho, Tswana, Tsonga, Swazi, Venda, and Ndebele. Learn how to count or a simple phrase in a South African language or learn some English/South African slang words. 3. The South Africans celebrate a variety of holidays and several important festivals throughout the year. Have your own celebration representing a holiday or special event OR learn the meaning of the event OR attend a festive African event OR create a drawing, art project, or craft represent the holiday or festival. Some examples include: Goodwill Day, National Women’s Day, Heritage Day, Grahamstown Festival, Splashy Fen Music Festival, Christmas Day, and New Years Day. 4. South Africa has various geographic regions including mountains, deserts, forests, sandy beaches, and plateaus. Learn more about the terrain area OR a natural park or landmark OR learn more about the seashore or oceanography OR create a craft or picture representing the terrain. Examples include: Great Escarpment, Great Karoo, or Champagne Castle. 5. There are a large spectrum of cultures represented in South Africa including, indigenous groups, Dutch, British, French, and German. Choose one culture to learn more about such as their traditional clothing, language OR where they reside in South Africa. For extra, create a craft depicting their culture, housing, clothing, or food they eat. 6. Popular sports in South Africa are soccer, rugby, and cricket. Learn more about a sport, toy, or game that is played in South Africa. Make sure you have proper equipment if you are trying a sport. Some examples of games include: hide and seek, jump rope, manacala, cricket, tag, and card games. 7. Many tourists that visit South Africa go on a safari to see wild animals. The country is home to such animals as elephants, lions, zebras, giraffes, black rhinoceroses, antelopes, and ostriches. Learn more about an animal that lives in South Africa. Create a craft that involves the animals, take a pretend safari through books or your imagination, OR name three animals, what they eat and their habitat. 8. Some of the recipes and foods are a reflection of the German and Netherland heritage. A favorite food served is ostrich eggs and mealie, a cornmeal porridge. Other basic foods they include fruit, nuts, rice, and beans. Choose a food or recipe to try that represents the South African culture. Examples include: Krakelinge, Karringmelkbesjuit, Vegetable Casserole, or Banana Fritters. 9. Children’s stories are sometimes told by actors on stage for their entertainment. South Africa has it’s own stories and myths that have been passed on through the generations. Choose a story read or act out a children’s story. 10. South African music has a variety of styles from African influence to western or jazz related music themes. They play a variety of instruments such as drums, xylophones, flutes, or shakers. Learn more about dances or music in South Africa OR watch a dance OR listen to music OR create your own instrument. 11. Over seven million Zulu reside in South Africa in round mud huts with thatched roofs. In addition, the Khoisan people drew scenes in the mountain caves of their everyday life called rock art. View huts or rock art from South Africa OR create rock art OR a diorama or drawing of the mud huts. 12. There are unique artistic creations produced by indigenous groups in South Africa. Examples include: carved wooden sculptures, woven cloth, brightly colored necklaces, headdresses, shields, pottery, woodwork, baskets, and beaded items. Create an artistic item, paint your own pottery, create a beaded necklace, OR view artistic creations items from South Africa. 13. The Zulu women wear wide hats called isicholo, made from straw, cotton and beads. They wear a vibrant colored beads, bracelets and earrings. Learn more about the clothing and jewelry worn by the Zulu tribe or any other cultural group in South Africa OR create the paper dolls located in our manual OR you can create necklaces or purchase necklaces to wear to represent the traditional clothing of South Africa. 14. South Africa is a leading producer of diamonds and gold. In 1867, a boy found a large glassy stone and soon many people were looking for diamonds. Fifteen years later gold was discovered. Create your own jewelry OR design your own jewelry on paper OR name three things made from gold or diamonds OR play a game.