PATCH PROGRAM You only need to complete 3 requirements to earn this patch 1. Ukraine is a very culturally diverse country because it is in between two continents. View an outline of a Ukrainian country map and its Capital. Identify Ukraine's flag. 2. The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian, however Russian is also widely spoken. Most citizens recognize Russian as a second language. All uses both languages in daily life, however Ukrainian is used by the government and is spoken in schools. Learn some words or slang that is spoken in Ukraine. 3. In Ukraine, the word Sviato is the word used for festival. There are many festivals throughout the year. January 1st is a popular festival celebrated much like it is around the world; with celebrations lasting all night, eating, fireworks, and parties. Other festivals include ones such as International Women's Day in March, Victory Day in May, The Harvest Festival in the Fall, and Independence Day on August 24th. International Women's Day is celebrated in order to honor the struggle for women's rights. Men honor their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends with cards and flowers celebrate this day! Learn about festivals in Ukraine, go to a festival, participate in one, OR complete a craft that represents a festival. 4. Ukraine's National Dish is called Borsch. Borsch is beet soup. There are many varieties to this soup, however it is always served with sour cream. Ukrainians eat a big, hearty breakfast, because they traditionally do not eat again until later in the afternoon for dinner. Dinner usually consists of borsch, or another soup, a salad, and a main dish. Main dishes usually consist of meat and a vegetable. Try a recipe, food, or drink from Ukraine. 5. Folk dance in Ukraine goes way back to the foundations of the country. Dances mark special occasions such as birth, marriage, or death. They can also mark the changing of a season. The most widely known dance is called the Kozak dance, also known as the hopak. In this dance, the dancers squat to the ground and kick out their feet and jump up in the air. Another popular form of dance in Ukraine is Ballet. Ballet was established in the country around the 1700s. Folk music in Ukraine normally accompanies dance. The national instrument is called the bandura. The bandura has up to 60 strings that are plucked like a harps strings. Watch a dance OR listen to music OR sing a song OR learn more information about a dance from Ukraine and try your own moves. 6. Legends and stories of Ukraine reflect the many cultural backgrounds in Ukraine today. Folk Tales and poetry make up many of Ukraine's early literature. Read a story, legend, OR listen to a legend or play. 7. Throughout most of Ukraine's history, it has been ruled by foreign powers. Some of the earliest groups known to rule the land were known as the Slavs. The Slavic peoples from thousands of years ago have a big influence on the culture of Ukraine today, especially through language. Around the ninth century A.D., trading came to the region. Through this, Ukraine grew to be a diverse area. Learn more about the history of Ukraine, and the early peoples known as the Slavs. 8. Ukraine is a very large area of land that covers most of the southeastern portion of Eastern Europe. Ukraine is relatively flat, with no prominent mountain ranges or landmass. Also, there are relatively no forests. Some animals in Ukraine include deer, eagles, storks, and owls. Plant life ranges from a variety of trees such as the beech and oak trees and also plants such as edelweiss, saffron, and thistles. Choose [3] animals OR plants from Ukraine to learn more about. 9. Ukrainian folk arts are very skillfully done, and are known for their beauty and high quality of materials and work. Embroidery, weaving, ceramics, woodcarving, and decorated Easter Eggs are some examples of folk art in Ukraine. Decorated Easter Eggs, known as pysanky, are one of the best known crafts done in Ukraine. A design is written on an egg using wax with the sharp point of a pen. The egg is hallowed out, and then dip dyed into a colored dye. This process is completed until the artist is done. These eggs have been made for thousands of years. Create a craft or project using a traditional a skill OR jewelry OR observe someone creating a handicraft OR a traditional craft from Ukraine. 10. The traditional dress of Ukraine ranges from region to region. Popular items in each style of dress include women's head dresses that are woven with flowers, and have colorful streamers. Women also wear white blouses, and an embroidered vest. Red leather boots are also common for women. Men wear white shirts with some embroidery, a long vest or coat, and baggy pants. Red leather boots also complete the male traditional dress. Draw a picture of the clothing, dress up in a Ukrainian themed costume, create an accessory, complete our paper dolls OR view traditional clothing through books or the Internet or our country manual. 11. There are a variety of games played by children in Ukraine. Learn a traditional game OR play a game that symbolizes Ukraine OR play a water game OR play a game in our manual. 8421
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