complete 3 requirements to earn this patch
you can print this page and share it with others

1. Virginia was one of the thirteen original colonies. Which number was it? Who was the state named for? What is it’s nickname? Locate Virginia on a map of the USA. Identify the state bird, flower, and flag.

2. Learn more about a historical site in Virginia. Find out why it is important. Where is it located? If possible, visit this historic site. Some examples are Crystal Caverns, Monticello, Mount Vernon, or Wytheville Museums. Visit the website, www.timetravelers.org for a list of historical sites to visit.

3. Learn more about native Virginian plants, trees or animals. Take a hike or walk and look for these items in your area or create an art project depicting some of these items.

4. Learn more about Virginia Native Americans. What type of foods did they eat? What type of dwellings did they live in? What type of clothing did they wear? For extra, complete one of the following projects. Learn a song or dance from Virginia Native Americans or complete a painting /art project or prepare and complete a skit or conduct a play or make paper dolls decorated in native clothing.

5. Learn about the 18th century colonial era in Virginia. What type of dishes did they prepare? What type of clothing did they where? What games did they play as children? Learn a 18th century game or complete a drawing/art project representing this era or prepare a skit or conduct a play or make paper dolls in colonial clothing.

6. Keep a journal or scrapbook of Virginia. Share your book with others. ( A journal to complete is included in Virginia kit)

7. Complete at least one service project helping others in diverse communities, or preserving our historical sites or volunteering your services to others. Here are a few examples: Food and/or clothing drive, Adopt a family or Angel Tree, landscaping historical sites, delivering cards or gift baskets to the elderly or disabled children. Make a difference in someone’s day. Give back to your community.

8. Research one of the following crafts: Beading, jewelry making, ceramics, sewing, quilting, embordiery, crosstitching, pottery, basket making, or loom weaving. Locate someone skilled in one of the crafts and ask them to share their skills with you or teach yourself one of these skills.

9. Virginia has many wonderful foods. Collect local recipes, prepare one and share it with others, such as Macaroni and cheese, Brunswick stew, smoked ham, apple butter, biscuits, homemade jam, and cobblers.

10. Learn about someone from Virginia that played important role in the history of the state. Why were they important? What did they accomplish? Some examples are: George Washington, Cyrus Hall McCormick, and James Monroe.

11. There have been three capitals in Virginia. Name them and locate them on a map of Virginia.

12. Virginia’s official name is “The Commonwealth of Virginia”. What does the term “Commonwealth” mean? How many other states have this title?

13. Find out how technology is different today from years ago. Such as: How are shoes and clothes made today compared to the 18th century ? How are stores and transportation different today?


This patch program will help its participants learn more about the history and sites in this state. If you have the privilege of visiting this state, you can complete some of these requirements there. It would be helpful to learn more about the state prior to your visit. Use the library and the internet to research more.