Patchwork Designs Inc
8421 Churchside Drive
Gainesville, VA 20155

Phone: 703-743-9948
Fax: 703-743-9942

$1.15 per patch
Item # ST-19-20




1. Earning the Patch: If you are working on the postage stamp project as an individual then you will need to collect 25 stamps to earn the postage stamp patch. Average groups of 8 would need to collect 100 stamps, or 10 each. Larger groups would need to collect more stamps than 100. Ask parents or companies to collect the stamps for you at local businesses.
2. Saving the stamps: Please leave a border around the stamp of the background paper it was placed on. About 1/3” making sure all corner fringe and borders are not clipped.
3. Metered Stamps: No metered mail stamps are accepted, only actual stamps.
4. Stamps: All designs are accepted especially Limited Edition, Christmas, Love, and Foreign stamps.
5. Stamps on colored envelopes:Throw away all stamps on deep colored paper, such as red, black, or green envelopes. The dye of the envelope seeps into the stamp image.
6. Damaged Stamps: We cannot accept torn or damaged stamps.
7. Organizing Stamps: Please do not use rubber bands, paper clips or staples to send stamps. Simply place the stamps in an envelope or Ziploc bag for delivery. If you would like to sort your stamps ahead of time, please place the commemorative stamps in one bag, regular issue in a different bag, and foreign stamps in a third bag.

8. Special Cancellations on Stamps:Some collect stamps according to the cancellation design. The Dr Seuss stamp has a special cancellation design and is a unique stamp. Each stamp does not have to have a special cancellation. Save the cancellation on the stamp when you take it off the envelope. [Example: First day issue, Dr Suess Day, etc]

FOREIGN STAMPS: IIf you are collecting foreign stamps, please do not trim the stamps. The stamps are worth more with the cancellation still attached to the stamp.

9. Submitting Stamps: We encourage that you send your stamps directly to Linda Hershberger. Linda is in charge of this project for Patchwork Designs, Inc and makes sure that the stamps are given directly to the personnel that trim, sort, and bag the stamps for the mission project. She also goes through the stamps again, deleting all the torn or damaged stamps.

Please mail ONLY your stamps to the below address:

Downey Memorial Church
(Missionary Alliance church)
10201 E Colonial Dr
Orlando, FL 32817

[use this address to mail your stamps]

10. Ordering the Stamp Patch: You can place your order on line for your patch or order it via fax, phone or mail.

Patchwork Designs, Inc
8421 Churchside Drive
Gainesville, VA 20155

703-743-9948 phone

703-743-9942 fax

You will receive a discount of   [.50 cents] off your order, to cover the cost of a stamp to mail your order, when you mail in your order to Patchwork Designs, Inc and ship your stamps to the FL address. You must mention the code [789-ST50] online* under comments, to receive your .50 off shipping. Subtract the.50 cents from your shipping if you are faxing or mailing your order.

*Discount does not show up in the store immediately, it will be subtracted by a customer service representative when your order is typed up.



1. What is the time frame for this project?

The time frame is year round. We collect them and send them to the facility as soon as they are completed.

2. Where can we mail the stamps?

Please mail them to the FL address[see below address].


Please mail them to the following address: If you have any notes, cards or letters to send. You can address them to Dear Linda. She is handling this project for Patchwork Designs,Inc and it would brighten her day to hear how you or your group enjoyed the experience.

Mail your STAMPS to the FL address:
When you are purchasing your patches please mail your ORDER to the below address: [you can also use our online store]
Linda Hershberger
7836 Coot Street
Orlando, FL 32822

Patchwork Designs, Inc
8421 Churchside Drive
Gainesville, VA 20155

703-743-9948 PHONE
703-743-9942 FAX

You will receive a discount of   [.50 cents] off your order, to cover the cost of a stamp to mail your order, when you mail in your order to Patchwork Designs, Inc and ship your stamps to the FL address. Use code [789 -ST50] online* under comments, to receive your .50 off shipping. Subtract the.50 cents from your shipping if you are faxing or mailing your order.

*Discount does not show up in the store immediately, it will be subtracted by a customer service representative when your order is typed up.

3. Can I receive a certificate for participating in this project?

Yes, link for the certificate is located on the first page of the stamp ministry site.

4. Why do I mail my stamps to the Orlando, FL address?

The Stamp Ministry is located in Florida. The address above is to the person in charge of all the stamps that come through from Patchwork Designs, Inc. After they are looked over one more time they are then passed over to the Stamp Ministry where they package them for sale. Below is a photo of volunteers sorting and trimming the stamps.

5. How do they make money from the stamps?

The Women's Alliance Stamp Ministry sells them to stamp collectors across the world. Stamp collectors buy bundles or packets of stamps in hopes to getting a rare one. In that bundle there are several common stamps and a couple valuable stamps that they are looking for. The sale of these packets range from $6.00-$60.00 depending on the variety of stamps inside. When they receive a large amount of common stamps they trade or sell them to new collectors across the world, sometimes via net. The money is then used to help with printing books or materials for other countries.

FOREIGN STAMPS: IIf you are collecting foreign stamps, please do not trim the stamps. The stamps are worth more with the cancellation still attached to the stamp.

5. What do they use the money they collect for?

The assistance is primarily to the Central and South American countries. Teachers have asked over the years for books on how to help children that have poor living conditions, abused families etc. The books are purchased in the Spanish language so they can read and understand them and assist in therapy to get better. They created books to help the teachers teach the children understand better of how they feel and that things will get better. I assume the trained volunteers that can assist in these therapy fields goes and delivers the books. They have helped with building schools or facilities as well. I don't know if that is part of the stamp ministry or another mission that coincided with the book delivery. The stamp ministry is located in FL in a retirement village. Everyone works for free sorting and trimming the stamps.


Thank you Linda for letting us know about this project and how we can help others.