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complete 1 requirement to earn this patch
there are twelve requirements to choose from

1. Do you realize how special you are? Did you know that everyone has wonderful talents and gifts? Celebrate you! Take time for yourself and think about all the great things you can do. Listen to your favorite music, write in your diary, read a book, draw, pamper yourself, go for a walk or a take a relaxing nap.

2. Have you ever heard someone say beauty is only skin deep? Your outside appearance covers the true person you are inside. And what is inside is what really matters. Therefore, control all the bad things that go inside your body. Examples are: Junk food, sugar, drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. Write down or explain a situation how things can harm your inside.

3. Peer pressure is when you really don't want to do something, but everyone else is so you give in and do it too. If your friends make you feel this way, then they are really not your friends at all. Be brave. Go your own way, and find new friends. Some peer pressure situations can be: Disobeying your parents, body piercing, wearing revealing clothing, breaking the school rules, lying, cheating or stealing. Watch a movie with peer pressure or bullying , answer “What would you do?” scenarios or skits, create a skit, OR talk to an adult about a peer pressure situation.

4. Is your true self "sporty" or do you enjoy the outdoors? If so, share some information of your sports or outdoor activities with others. If you have never tried a sport or outdoor activity, now is the time to take that step and discover if that is you. Some examples: Soccer, volleyball, basketball, skiing, gardening, horseback riding, swimming, dancing, walking, camping or snorkeling.

5.Do you have an artistic side? Do you like to make crafts, write poems, cook, act, play a musical instrument, paint, sing or draw? Cook something, write a poem or song, create an artistic craft OR share your talent with others.

6. Are you shy or outspoken? Some people are very comfortable talking in large groups, while others are more comfortable talking one-on-one. Just for fun, reverse roles. If you are shy, try out a leadership role, such as leading a song, doing an oral book report, etc. It may be hard at first; maybe your friend or relative can stand beside you for support. If you are outspoken, try a supportive activity such as, making a flyer for an activity, clean up at school, help out at church, etc. This makes you a well-rounded individual and helps you to find your true self of what you like to do best.

7. Sometimes people say mean things. We don't know why they do those things, but most of all we shouldn't listen. All we know is that they are not true. Usually people say those things because they are jealous and it makes them feel better to hurt others. Please remember letting bullies continue to hurt you or your friends can hurt you physically and emotionally. You are free to be who you are regardless of race, size or gender. Never protect someone who is hurting you. Watch a movie about bullying, answer “What would you do?” scenarios or skits, create an anti-bully poster, OR talk to an adult about a bullying situation..

8. Sometimes we hurt ourselves when we are hurting. Some examples can be: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, alcoholism, over-eating, or drug addiction. If you or someone you know is suffering from one of these illnesses contact an adult immediately. Learn more about one of these illnesses and how it affects your body.

9. Everyone likes different types of clothing, shoes and shades of colors. That is why there is such a wide variety to choose from. What is your favorite outfit? Why? Your favorite color? Describe your outfit or draw a picture of it. For extra credit have a fashion show.

10. Do you like computers, animals, teaching or helping others? Experiencing different types of these activities will help you learn more about what you enjoy. Also, it may help you decide your future career. Talk to one person about their career, tour a restaurant, make a list of your talents and interests and compare them to careers, go to career day, go to take your daughter/son to work, OR look in the classified ads for career ideas. .

11. Name one thing that you discovered about yourself through this program. Remember, you are free to be yourself and the great person that you are.

12. Your parents guide you and tell you right from wrong. But when your parents are not around, you have the freedom to make your own decisions. Complete a community service project and use your freedom to help others. Help the elderly, make bookmarks for the library, or pass this program to another person so they can learn how to be free to be whoever THEY want to be.