Boo at the Zoo (patch program) (2 inch patch)
It’s time to “get your Spook On” at your local zoo and attend the event “Boo at the Zoo,” this year many are doing a new drive-thru “merry not scary” adventure! View a variety of Halloween-themed areas, carved pumpkins and illuminated light shows!Complete our stolen Panda mystery which takes place at a "Boo at the Zoo" event in Washington DC. (FREE KIT UNDER MORE INFO) FREE KIT FOR MYSTERY CLICK HERE Support your local zoo and enjoy the festivities around the Halloween season they offer. Advance online reservations may be required for “Boo at the Zoo" events, trick or treating event, limited admission, and for your safety you may need to wear a mask this year. Below are a list of some of the zoo's that are participating. We are unable to list all the zoos across the country that are participating. There may be more in your area. Feel free to let us know so we can add it to our list. Louisville, KENTUCKY Colorado Springs, Colorado DENVER, COLORADO Abilene, TX Forth Worth, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS Greenville, South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina Bronx, NEW YORK North Carolina Milwaukee, Wisconsin Washington, DC Baton Rouge, LA Detroit, MICHIGAN Norfolk, VIRGINIA. Sacramento, CA Knoxville, TN Norristown, PA Chicago, IL Little Rock, AR Philadelphia, PA St Louis, MO Indianapolis, IN Brookfield, IL Erie, PA Bedford, MA Duluth, MN Columbus Zoo Los Angeles, CA Birmingham, AL
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