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Ecuador Historically Speaking Patch

Our Price: $1.89

Learn more about the Galapagos Islands, the Incan empire, the Chimborazo volcano, Amazon rainforest, animals such as blue footed booby and Galapagos tortoises, a dance style called Sanjuanito, dishes like churrasco, yucca, and encocados, Quito, and more. Hasta luego!

If you have done Ecuador for Thinking Day or have learned about it, you have earned this patch.
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  • Ecuador Rubber stamp

    You only need to complete 3 requirements to earn this patch

    1. Ecuador is right on the Equator, which is where it got
    its name, "Ecuador." Locate Ecuador on a map and its Capital. Identify
    its flag.

    2. The official language of Ecuador is Spanish. It is used
    in all aspects of life including school and the government. Other languages
    include the indigenous language Quichua and Shuar. Learn some words or
    slang that is spoken in Ecuador.

    3. Celebrations and holidays are big events in Ecuador.
    Christmas is a major celebration. One of the event's attended by all Ecuadorians
    on Christmas eve is called Pase del Nino, meaning "Passage of the Child".
    This involves Christmas eve worship and a parade. On New Year's Eve, Ecuadorians
    dress up in costumes and have festivities that include burning a giant
    scarecrow. Learn about festivals in Ecuador, go to a festival, participate
    in one, OR complete a craft that represents a festival.

    4. Ecuador is one of the world's largest producers of bananas,
    making banana a very widely used ingredient. Other popular ingredients
    are plantains, fish, eggs, rice, and cheese. A popular dish is called
    Locro, which is a rich soup made from potatoes, cheese, and avocado. Try
    a recipe, food, or drink from Ecuador.

    5. Traditional Ecuadoran music is generally from Andean
    folk music. Instruments used in this style of music include: bamboo flutes,
    panpipes, conch shells and drums called bombos. Ecuador's national instrument
    is the rondador, or the panpipe. This instrument is made up of many bamboo
    pipes which are bound together. Folk dance is accompanied to this type
    of traditional music. Watch a dance OR listen to music OR sing a song
    OR learn more information about a dance from Ecuador and try your own

    6. Legends and stories of Ecuador reflect Spanish influence
    on their culture. Folk Tales and nature poetry make up many of Ecuador's
    early literature. Read a story, legend, OR listen to a legend or play.

    7. The Inca had lived in Ecuador about 1460. The official
    language of the Incans was Quechua, which is still an indigenous language
    in Ecuador today. The Inca was a skillful and strategic civilization that
    ruled in much of South America for a long time. Today, there is a lot
    of Incan remains all around the country. The city of Cuenca sits in the
    ruins of Tomebamba. Learn more about the Incan civilization and their

    8. The Amazon Rain Forest is in Ecuador. This Rain Forest
    hoasts many plants and wildlife. The ocelot is a large species of cat
    living in Ecuador, along with pygmy marmosets, monkeys, jaguars, the caiman,
    and frogs. There are more than 6,000 species of plant species in Ecuador,
    an examples being heliconias. The Amazon Rain Forest forms what is called
    a canopy, which is a thick growth of trees over the entire rainforest.
    Choose [3] animals OR plants from Ecuador to learn more about. Also, Locate
    the Atlantic Ocean.

    9. There is a large variety of hand made crafts made all
    over Ecuador. Leather goods, jewelry making, wood carvings, and Masapan
    figures. Masapan figures are made of dyed dough that are shaped into animal
    and human figures. Create a craft or project using a traditional a skill
    OR jewelry OR observe someone creating a handicraft OR a traditional craft
    from Ecuador.

    10. During holidays or festivals the people in Ecuador wear
    their traditional clothing. Draw a picture of the clothing, dress up in
    Ecuador themed clothing, create an accessory, complete our paperdolls
    OR view traditional clothing through books or the internet or our country

    11. There are a variety of games played by children in Ecuador.
    Soccer is the national sport in Ecuador. Learn a traditional game OR play
    a game that symbolizes Ecuador OR play a water game OR play a game in our

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