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Patchwork Designs Web Store

Community Service Activity Patches

**Getting to Know Juliette Low patch with charms
Kit for 1 includes:
  • Getting to Know Juliette Low patch with six holes at the bottom for charms
  • (5) charms with hooks (badge book, horse, paintbrush, teapot, compass, and cupcake)
  • (8-page booklet) to assist in completing some of the activities
  • Fun activity sheet and word search for Juliette Low's Birthday
  • Full color card about Uniforms through the decades
  • Full color card about badges and patches
  • Full color card about clothing worn by Juliette Low during her time period
  • Full color card about Juliette Low Birthplace in Savannah Georgia
  • Full color card about pets and animals in Juliette Low's life
  • Full color card about getting to know Juliette Low (timeline of her life and accomplishments)
  • $7.99Add
    LIMITED EDITION!! Glow in dark threads on all items white. [3 inch patch--85% embroidered] Dated ** 2024** Juliette Low dressed up and ready to go to her birthday party. This year would be her 164th Birthday. Every year on her birthday she made sure her dress was special and unique since she was born on Halloween. The dress this year has birthday daisies on the dress. (Her nickname is Daisy).
    **Scouting with Juliette Low patch with charms--KIT
    Scouting like Juliette Low patch with charms Kit for 1 includes:
  • Scouting Like Juliette Low patch with holes at the bottom for charms
  • (6) charms with hooks (Health and Fitness weight charm, Art Frame charm, sun and birds for outdoors, Flask with bubbles science charm, leadership banner, and globe for world charm)
  • 12 Page Booklet 2 pages about each topic and 1 page about leadership
    12 Days of Jolly Patch
    Participate in the 12 days of Jolly Patch Program. You can complete the requirements in 1 day, a weekend, 12 days or longer. Click here to download the riddles to complete the program. There is a riddle card for everyday as a suggestion to what to complete on that day.
    Adopt an Animal Bar
    Adopt an animal from a shelter, WWF, or assist someone with pet sitting. Examples or ways to adopt an animal
    • Help an endangered animal through WWF Collect a couple dollars from all participants to adopt an animal.(Provide each participant with a copy of the adoption certificate)
    • Donate Supplies to shelters
    • Use your special skills to volunteer, make flyers, or blankets for animals at shelters
    • Volunteer to groom or walk your neighbor or friends animal
    • Volunteer to pet animals at shelters
    • Spread the word about adopting animals
    • Complete or participate in an animal food and supply drive
    BINGO 2024
    Patch Details: [2.50 inches] 85% embroidered] This colorful patch symbolizes playing BINGO with your friends, group, or family. Remember your fun filled time with this awesome patch and cute font for the BINGO!
    Birthday Bags--7 left
    Collect items for kids that usually don't receive a birthday party. Drop them off at your local food pantry. They accept them all year long. When parents come to pick up food that week, if a child in their family has a birthday that month then they will receive a special birthday bag. You can also do this as a community service activity for the SCOUT BIRTHDAY or JULIETTE LOW'S BIRTHDAY events. If you are collecting a large amount of bags you may want to call the location ahead of time to see how many they can take or if you can get specific gender and ages to create the bags. ** The BLUE year bar can be added for just $1 for each year you participate.**
    Birthday Bags-NEW VERSION!
    Collect items for kids that usually don't receive a birthday party. Drop them off at your local food pantry. They accept them all year long. When parents come to pick up food that week, if a child in their family has a birthday that month then they will receive a special birthday bag
    Blank Patches [3 inches blue]
    Create your own patch by drawing the design with thin sharpies. You can also paint a design with acrylic paints and once it dries write lettering on it. Create your own rubber stamp or use an in stock stamp to create a unique design. The artistic ideas are endless. CONTACT US AT if you would like a certain color, size or shape!
    Boo at the Zoo (patch program) (2 inch patch)
    It’s time to “get your Spook On” at your local zoo and attend the event “Boo at the Zoo,” this year many are doing a new drive-thru “merry not scary” adventure! View a variety of Halloween-themed areas, carved pumpkins and illuminated light shows!
    Book Fairy
    Be a book fairy. 1. Gather your gently used or new books and donate them to someone who could use them. For extra, add a book fairy tag inside each book. They can use it as a bookmark. (Download your Fairy Book tags here) 2. Drop off or deliver your books to assisted living homes, hospitals, shelters, organizations that collect books for kids, place them in overseas boxes for soldiers, Jared boxes, pajama project, or simply give a book to a friend, grandmother, teacher etc. 4. Purchase your patch and wear it with pride. If someone asks about the project let them know how they donate books or be a book fairy too!
    Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon
    Patch details: 1 1/2 inch round embroidered patch Wear this patch if are supporting breast cancer awareness, learning more about breast cancer or attending an event.
    Breast Cancer Awareness VOLUNTEER
    Volunteer at a walk-a-thon, hand out water, walk, pledge to assist, or work a booth. Hand out t-shirts, assist with registration, educate, communicate, share your talents, spread awareness, or assist at an event. Create a workshop, teach others about awareness, or walk in an event.
    Breast Cancer Centers (Send Letters for Ladies) [community service]
    1)Write a letter(s) or card(s). 2) You may use any note card, stationery, or paper but please keep cards within the envelope size (4.75" x 6.5") to ensure your letters can be used. 3)Letters are to cancer centers where medical staff hand out individual letters to newly diagnosed patients.
    Butterfly patch and information card
    Create a butterfly craft, learn about butterflies and migration, camouflage and the life stages of caterpillar to butterfly. Make butterfly decorations or cookies or participate in a community service project about butterflies. Colorful informational card to collect and keep for future projects.
    Butterfly Project
    Create a butterfly house, learn about butterflies, grow butterflies, learn about caterpillar to butterfly stages, make butterfly decorations or cookies, or participate in a community service project about butterflies. Click here for the free kit to use: BUTTERFLY PROJECT FREE KIT
    Patch Details: [3 inch wide x 2 inches] 75% embroidered Create Cardz for Kidz that are Ill Detailed information of how to create the cards is listed on this link.
    Care Package Rocker
    This rocker can be added to any of our circle patches to mark that you sent or created care packages to an organization or project.
    The idea is as simple as it was in childhood: write happy messages, have fun doing it, spread some joy while you’re at it. Have fun and use chalk to decorate your driveway, sidewalk, or area where you are allowed to draw with chalk. It is that simple. Spread joy to others by displaying your artwork and happy messages.
    Christmas Cards for Soldiers (Operation:)
    Operation: Cards for soldiers can be mailed anytime of the year to the organization. They create bags and send them to soldiers during the holiday season.
    Christmas Cards for Soldiers KIT for 1
    All items listed are placed in this kit Items Included:
    • Operation: Christmas Cards for Soldiers patch (1)
    • Holiday Foam Shapes and Stickers for 1 card
    • Holiday Pencil (1)
    • Card and envelope (1)
    • Winter Fun Activity Sheet (1)
    • Cute Eraser (1)
    Christmas Cards for Soldiers KIT for 10
    All items listed are placed in this kit Items Included:
    • Operation: Christmas Cards for Soldiers patch (10)
    • Holiday Foam Shapes and Stickers for 10 cards
    • Holiday Pencil (10)
    • Cards and envelopes (10)
    • Winter Fun Activity Sheet (10)
    • Cute Eraser (10)
    Christmas in July
    Christmas in July Patch Program Complete one of the following requirements to earn the patch 1. Watch a Christmas or Holiday themed movie OR read a book. 2. Sing holiday songs. For extra, wear your Santa hat or holiday themed clothing. 3. Complete a winter or Christmas themed craft. Examples: Jingle bell necklace, paper craft, bracelet kit, movie themed kit, or an ornament. 4. Create some holiday themed snacks or food. Cookies, cupcakes, hot cocoa, Christmas tree waffles (dyed green), red and green fruit/veggie platter with yummy dip, spinach dip with twisty bread sticks, OR popcorn with chocolate candies. The ideas are endless. 5. Some Australians celebrate Christmas in July for fun. It is winter in July____------------more
    Christmas in July KIT
      Included in Kit
    • Christmas in July patch
    • 1 candy cane (5 metal charms, string, 25 red, white and blue beads.
    • Holiday pencil and eraser Designs will vary on pencils.
    • Wreath foam craft
    • 1 stocking (use for game/give away}
    • Scavenger Hunt List
    • word search
    Clothing Drive Rocker (donations of clothing)
    This rocker can be added to any of our circle patches to mark that you donated clothing to to the organization or project.
    Color Run Patch

    The Color Run is a five-kilometer, untimed event, full of color.Participants wear white at the starting line and finish the race decorated in color. Fun Color Powder:At each kilometer mark, Color Runners are sprinkled with a different colored powder. Trained powder tossers are trained not to hit the facial area. The color powder is all certified non-toxic and free of any heavy metals. The ingredients are a combination of cornstarch, baking soda, and FD&C (food-safe) dyes.

    This rocker fits around the Ronald McDonald, Jared Box, Pajama Party, etc patch. You can also donate your cookies to other organizations and use this rocker.
    Cookies Love them!
    I Love Cookies Mini Patch Program [1 1/2 inch size] 1. Make cookies. What kind did you bake? 2. Donate cookies you made or purchased to someone in need. 3. Make shapes or special designs using cookie dough. 4. Sell cookies or help someone with a bake sale.
    Creating Blankets for Those in Need
    This patch is remembrance of a great project assisting those in need. Participants of all ages can create blankets and distribute them to a variety or organizations such as hospitals, shelters, and orphanages. Place a year rocker around this patch for each year you complete it!
    Donation Bar
    This bar can be added to any of our circle patches to mark that you donated to to the organization or project.
    Earth Day Groceries Project Patch [2.75 inch patch]
    (ONLY 20 LEFT)The Earth Day Groceries Project is a cost-free environmental awareness project in which participants decorate paper grocery bags or lunch bags with environmental messages. Examples: Save the Seals, recycle, Protect our earth, plant more trees, water conservation, earth day, and planet protection.
    Earth Day Patch
    You can learn how to help the environment around you. Everything we do can help the world a better place. Complete one requirement to earn your Earth Day patch. Click here for the free kit to use: Free Kit to download and print out
    Earth Hour Patch (Give back to the earth for an hour)
    Patch Details: 2.5 inch patch-85% embroidered You don't have to complete this on Earth Hour day--it can be completed any day or time. Give back to the planet planting flowers, picking up trash, recycling (5 minutes a day) can add up to an hour of earth assistance.
    Fall Fun (Scarecrow and leaves)
    Have some fall fun and earn this patch. You only need to complete one fall activity to earn the patch.
    Fall Fun Patch Program [2.5 inch patch]
    Have some fall fun and earn this patch. You only need to complete one fall activity to earn the patch. Some activity suggestions: 1. Participate in a fall festival or create one of your own. Some fun activities include: Pumpkin rolling contest, square dancing, masquerade balls, contest or costume competitions, bake-offs, fall flings, bobbing for apples, etc.
    Flower Garden patch and card
    Learn about different flowers, planting flowers, community service, flowers, parts of a flower, pollination, and create food and crafts with a flower theme. This is a fun way to learn about flowers, pollination, your birthday month flower, or create projects and play games with a flower theme. Children may have already earned this patch in school.
    Food Drive Rocker
    This rocker can be added to any of our circle patches to mark that you donated food to to the organization or project.
    Food for Friends [laser cut bag] 12 left
    Collect food for those in need, sort food at food banks, or deliver food.
    Game Night Patch
    Complete ONE REQUIREMENT to earn your GAME NIGHT patch Patch Details: (2.5 inch patch-85% embroidered)
    Halloween Boo-tiful Card Making
    This is a great patch to reward those that made cards for kids, soldiers, elderly or pass around to friends. Add a card to a trick or treat bag, candy for soldiers or just drop them off at hospitals or elderly facilities.
    Halloween Candy Donated to Soldiers
    Patch Details: 2.5 inch patch (95% embroidered) Earn this patch by donating Halloween Candy to any soldier or veteran.
  • Find a location you can MAIL or DROP OFF your Halloween Candy. Most dentists participate in the program and ship the candy out for you.
  • Enter your zip code on the link and they will give you a list of places you can drop the candy off. Click here to find a location
  • $1.35Add
    Hanging with my Peeps 2024
    Hanging with my Peeps Patch Program (2.50 INCH PATCH -95% EMBROIDERED) Choose one item to do with your Peeps. 1. Hang with your peeps 2. Create arts and crafts. 3. Bake or create a snack. 4. Compete in a competition or enter a contest.---more requirements on link
    Hanging with my Peeps 2025
    Hanging with my Peeps Patch Program (2.50 INCH PATCH -95% EMBROIDERED) Choose one item to do with your Peeps. 1. Hang with your peeps 2. Create arts and crafts. 3. Bake or create a snack. 4. Compete in a competition or enter a contest.---more requirements on link
    LIMITED EDITION!! Glow in dark threads on all items white. [3 inch patch--85% embroidered] Dated ** 2023** Juliette Low dressed up and ready to go to her birthday party. This year would be her 163th Birthday. Every year on her birthday she made sure her dress was special and unique since she was born on Halloween. The dress this year has birthday swirls on the dress.
    Happy Birthday Scouts (2025)
    Celebrate the birthday of scouting or a scout in your troop's birthday. Have a sing-a-long, decorate cupcakes, eat cake, and wonderful get together.
    Happy Holidays (penguin and snowflakes)
    Patch: (2 inch, 85% embroidered) This wonderful Happy Holiday patch will be great for gift giving, holiday potlucks, and holiday parties or celebrations. You can also create goody bags for the needy. Attach the patch to the ribbon or tape on the front
    Help California Patch
    Tips for Writing Notes (letters or cards) to GS troops and Families Affected by the LA Area Wildfires Show your support by sending a short or long distance hug with a letter or card to the GS troops and families that have been impacted by the California fires. What you should know before you write your letter or card?Write all your notes by hand. This gives your message a personal touch (This shows the reader how much you care).
    Help Maui residents affected by the the recent wildfires. *Proceeds from the purchase of this patch will be donated to the Hawaii Community Foundation “Maui Strong Fund”. If you've already donated, you can choose a patch without a donation included HERE. Mahalo nui for your kokua! (thank you very much for your support!) *After the cost of patch has been deducted the remainder proceeds will be donated.
    HELP MAUI PATCH (already donated)
    Help Maui residents affected by the the recent wildfires. *Proceeds from the purchase of this patch will be donated to the Hawaii Community Foundation “Maui Strong Fund”. If you would like to make a donation, you can choose a patch that includes a donation HERE (Maui patch with donation).
    Holiday Cards for Soldiers
    Earn this patch by making cards for the soldiers. Bring them on base (if you have permission) or mail them to: Diane Schneider ATTN: CARDS 119 Brentfield Loop Morrisville, NC 27560

    © Patchwork Designs, Inc, 2025