Patchwork Designs Web Store
Patchwork Designs Web Store

Mini Patch Programs

Amusement Park Visit [2 inch]
Remember the thrilling ride of the roller coaster, laughing through the beautiful carousel, screaming during the boat ride and so much more through this colorful patch. [2 inch patch]
Archery [2 inch]-- ONLY 6 left
Choose this patch if you watched or participated in Archery. Archery [2 inch]-- ONLY 7 left
Art Mini Program [1 1/2 inch patch]
Patch details: 1 1/2 inch round embroidered patch Earn this mini patch by coloring a craft, learning about art, etc. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
Belly Dancing [2 inch]
Earn this patch by watching belly dancing, learn how to belly dance at a restaurant or in a dance studio, or take a class.
Birds Mini Program [1 1/2 inch patch] (Mini Addy patch)
Earn this mini patch by learning about birds, creating a bird feeder or house, etc. FREE ACTIVITY SHEETS IN THE ADDY KIT TO EARN THIS PATCH. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
Black History Month--ONLY 36 LEFT
Boo at the Zoo (patch program) (2 inch patch)
It’s time to “get your Spook On” at your local zoo and attend the event “Boo at the Zoo,” this year many are doing a new drive-thru “merry not scary” adventure! View a variety of Halloween-themed areas, carved pumpkins and illuminated light shows!
Breakfast with Santa (ideas below-creating an event etc)
Earn this patch by having breakfast with Santa at a restaurant, the mall, community center, a farm, a Christmas village or other events where Santa will be attending. You can even have it at a meeting or in your home. You can plan to visit Santa and have breakfast before you get in line to get your photo taken.
  • If you plan to create a breakfast for Santa for your group or community, make sure that you have a Santa Claus costume and someone willing to dress up in it. You can also get attendees to dress up as Mrs. Claus, Rudolph or an elf. Have the volunteers serving wear festive aprons, shirts or headbands to get the kids in the spirit.
  • $1.50Add
    Cake Decorating-Cupcake and cake on patch [2 inch circle]
    Decorate cupcakes, cakes, breads or cookies to earn this patch. You can use premade tubes of frosting or a piping bag depending on the age level of the participants.
    Candy and Confections
    Earn this mini patch by learning about candy and confections. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    China [1 1/2 inch patch]
    This patch has the Chinese symbol for friendship on it. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Cookie Exchange [2 inch square]
    Purchase this patch this patch if .... participated in a cookie exchange during the holidays or special events. It is easy to organize a cookie exchange. If you have a group of people then ask each person to bring 10-12 cookies. They will give a cookie to each person and swap one back from them, creating a plate of a variety of different cookies.
    Cooking and Baking [mini patch][1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about cooking and baking. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1 OR Participate in the SPREAD THE BREAD program.
    Cosmetology, Nail, and Skin Care MINI PATCH [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about Cosmetology and Skin Care USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1 Paint your nails, make your own lip gloss and more.
    Cupcake Fun [2 inch]
    Whether you are decorating a cupcake, taking a cupcake shop tour or entering your cupcake in a bake-off this patch is a great reward for your accomplishment.
    Dance [Mini patch][1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by being yourself and setting goals. CLICK ON THE PATCH TO VIEW THE REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE OR MAKE UP YOUR OWN> COMPLETE 1 REQUIREMENT
    Dolls [1.5 mini patch]
    Earn this mini patch by taking care of dolls and learning more about dolls. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1.
    England {Double Decker Bus} [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about England and landmarks. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Exercise and Fitness [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by participating in a sport, PE, or any other fitness activity. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Fall Fun (Scarecrow and leaves)
    Have some fall fun and earn this patch. You only need to complete one fall activity to earn the patch.
    Fall Fun Patch Program [2.5 inch patch]
    Have some fall fun and earn this patch. You only need to complete one fall activity to earn the patch. Some activity suggestions: 1. Participate in a fall festival or create one of your own. Some fun activities include: Pumpkin rolling contest, square dancing, masquerade balls, contest or costume competitions, bake-offs, fall flings, bobbing for apples, etc.
    Fashion Mini Patch Program [1.5 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by sewing or learning about fashion. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Flowers [1.5 mini patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about flowers, luau, and the hula. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    France (Bonjour!) MINI Patch
    Earn this mini patch by learning about France, completing a craft, etc. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1 You may also like:
    Glow Party -Version#2 [LETTERING GLOWS IN THE DARK]
    Have a glow party by giving everyone glow sticks, bracelets or other glow in the dark items. You can give them out at dances, slumber parties, camping or many other places that create a glow party. Look for Glow in the Dark nail polish, cups, make-up, shoe laces and glow jewelry to enhance your fun time.
    Glow Party blue edge-lettering/circle glows in the dark!-25 left
    Have a glow party by giving everyone glow sticks, bracelets or other glow in the dark items. You can give them out at dances, slumber parties, camping or many other places that create a glow party. FREE KIT for a Glow Party
    Glow Party--lettering glows in the dark! (green trim)
    Have a glow party by giving everyone glow sticks, bracelets or other glow in the dark items. You can give them out at dances, slumber parties, camping or many other places that create a glow party. FREE KIT for a Glow Party Look for Glow in the Dark nail polish, cups, make-up, shoe laces and glow jewelry to enhance your fun time.
    Helping Others [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this patch by helping others in your community. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Hobbies Patch [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about hobbies and activities you can do for fun. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Holiday Treats and Traditions [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by creating treats and learning about holiday traditions. FREE ACTIVITY SHEETS IN THE SAMANTHA KIT TO EARN THIS PATCH. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Horseback Riding [2 inch]-11 left
    Learn how to take care of a horse, take riding lessons, or go to a class or workshop.
    Hot Air Balloon
    Earn this mini patch by coloring a hot air balloon, learning about festivals with hot air balloon etc.
    I'M A STAR [mini patch][1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by being yourself and setting goals. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Insects [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about insects and outdoors. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Jewelry [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by making beaded bracelet, friendship bracelet, items for your hair, and type of jewelry. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Journalism and News [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Journalism and News [MINI KIT PATCH] 1. Create a journal. Make at least four entries in the journal or write down your feelings on a daily basis.
    Juniors-EARN the Independence Badge KIT
  • Lookin'Good and Feelin' Good Patch
  • Colorful sewing kit (designs will vary) (donut, ice cream, mermaid, llama, etc.)
  • Needle and thread and all items to complete the sewing kit inside
  • Hair tie and small clip
  • Colors will vary on hair tie, thread, and sewing kit.
    Lookin and Feelin Good patch[1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by lookin and feelin good about yourself. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Make Believe [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by using your imagination, acting, and writing stories. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1 1. Use your imagination by pretending to be someone or something, or participating in a play. 2. Gather items from around your home to create a make believe play area. Examples: Turn chairs and a sheet into a fort, use pillows and other items to build places to relax or read, or use boxes as playhouses.
    Mardi Gras [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Participate in a Mardi Gras or have one of your own or learn more about it. Masks, beads, parades, costumes, and lots of fun. This patch is perfect for masquerade balls and the Mardi Gras. Laser cut.
    Movies, Fairy tales, and Theater [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Movie and Theater [MINI patch program] Earn this mini patch by learning about movies, plays or fairy tales, completing a craft, etc. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Music Patch [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about music, playing music, or listening to music. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    My Voice [1 1/2 inch patch]
    USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE OR CREATE YOUR OWN> COMPLETE 1 1. Use your voice to speak out for a cause or create a poster. 2. Create a poster to run for a campaign or help someone run for a position in your school or community.
    Mystery [Mini 1.5 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by learning about mysteries, fingerprinting or being a detective. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Ornament Exchange-[2 inch patch-square] {13 left}
    Have some holiday fun and exchange names with your group or "swap a wrapped ornament" within the circle of your group. Create a homemade ornaments or purchase one to exchange. It is always fun to get together around the holidays.
    Outdoor Explorer [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Explore the outdoors by following trails, letterboxing, and more. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Outerspace Mini Program [1 1/2 inch patch]
    Painted Pottery (2 inch)
    Award participants for painting pottery, attending a pottery workshop, class or event.
    Paper Crafts [1.5 inch patch]
    Earn this mini patch by creating crafts, decorations, etc. out of paper. USE THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS AS A GUIDE> COMPLETE 1
    Perfect Pitch
    28 leftPatch: ( 2 inch, 85% embroidered) Learn more about singing, sing karaoke, attend a concert, watch a movie, or read a book about the singing or music note reading. Have an event or a dance. Serve fun foods and have fun singing and dancing!

    © Patchwork Designs, Inc, 2025