Complete one requirement
that states that you are living healthy.
1. Drink water every day. Try to cut
out all sodas, sugary drinks and replace it with water.
2. Choose a food that you have never
ate before that is good for you and eat it or prepare it in
a meal. Examples include: fruits, vegetables, and food with
good vitamins.
3. Learn more about the food pyramid.
Write down everything you ate in one day and see where it
falls in the food pyramid. Do you need to eat more or less
of one item?
4. Choose a sport to participate in
for at least a week.
5. Read labels and see if any of your
food you eat out of a can has large amounts of sugar or salt.
If so, try a different food that doesn't and see if you like
it better.
6. Try an exercise program at school,
a TV video game, class or something that is fun but helps
you exercise.
7. Find out more about healthy snacks.
Create a healthy snack to enjoy!
8. Do you watch TV, text, or read books
while you are eating. Try for one day not to complete any
other activities while you are eating.
9. Take time to yourself and help your
body feel healthier. This could be getting at least 8 hours
of sleep at night, not eating before bed, cutting out some
sweet snacks, OR relaxing after a day of school.
10. If you already play sports or exercise,
challenge yourself to go to the next level. Example: walking
everyday increase by 5 minutes, dancing with a video game
go to the next level, or work out to a slightly harder routine
in class. This will build your muscles and endurance. Optional:
Learn how to take your heart rate. What should your normal
rate be?
11. Choose two candy bars and two granola
or other healthy snack bars and compare their labels. What
is the difference in the amount of sugar and fat in the items?