Welcome to Patchwork Designs, Incorporated.
We create embroidered patches,
patch programs, activity kits, and embroidered merchandise for
scouting, schools, historical buildings, museums, organizations,
and special events.
Pillowcase Project
Community Service Patch
inch patch]
is displayed until the sewout is placed on the site]
patch is remembrance of a great project assisting those in
Participants of all ages can create pillowcases and distribute
them to a variety or organizations.
You can decorate pillowcases with fabric
markers OR sew pillowcases on the sewing machine. {fabric
puffy paint is not recommended due to sleeping on it}
You can also decorate pillow cases
to place toys in for children during the holiday season or
birthday pillowcases to be distributed throughout the year
at shelters or food banks. Make sure you label it with a tag
for gender and age.
Patch #PILLOW : $1.50
You might also like:
Blue Angel Community Service
Overseas Coupon Collection
Stamp Ministry
Helping Hats Project
that would love to have your creations:
Homeless shelters
Wives shelters
Churches donate them to those in need
homes or assisted living
Welfare Services
Military Soldiers
McDonald House
and Oncology Units
of Natural Disasters
Please contact local organizations to see if there are specific
guidelines for creating the pillowcases. For example, some
hospitals do not accept pillowcases. You will need to go through
an organization that can deliver them for you.
Suggestions for decorating a
1. Purchase a pillowcase at your local store and
wash it before you decorate it.
2. Use fabric markers or rubber stamps with a dye
or fabric ink.
3. Puffy paint and other fabric paint could be uncomfortable
when the person is sleeping. If you are using fabric paint,
apply it with a brush.
4. You can also use stencils or other material
irons for decorations.
on the below link for organizations that will accept your
pillowcases that you DECORATE.
Click on the below
link for organizations that will accept your pillowcases that
you SEW.
Frequently asked questions
- What should I do with my pillowcase when it is
- We want you to choose a place that you would like
to make a difference. There are several organizations
that should accept your wonderful creations.
- Where should we send the pillowcases if we created
them for hospitals?
- Please send the pillowcases directly to the coordinators,
not the hospitals. The hospitals do not have the facilities
to store these. The coordinators will make all of
the arrangements to deliver the pillowcases to the
respective hospitals.
- What we don't have a local coordinator to deliver
to hospitals?
- Conkerr Cancer is a great place to send your pillowcases.
- What type of fabric should we use if we are sewing
- If you are sewing the pillowcases for hospitals
you should only use 100% cotton fabric. Also, please
do not use flannel fabric as it won’t be accepted
at the hospitals.
- If you are not sewing the pillowcases
for hospitals then you can use a 50/50 blend, flannel,
or cotton.
- What pattern should I use on my pillowcase?
- Please remember to create a variety of designs for
your pillowcases. Girls, boys and teens. If you are
creating them for adults, you can use unisex materials
such as shapes, stripes, checks.
- What if I am planning an event to deliver the
pillowcases to a family shelter?
- If you are planning an event and delivering them
to a shelter or assisted living home, try to get the
number of adult male/female and children's ages/gender.
Assign the participants a person to create their pillowcase
for. Example: Adult Male or Girl/Age 12. That way
you will not receive 25 girl pillowcases and 1 boy