Patchwork Designs, Inc


Patchwork Designs, Inc.
has had ALL of its Embroidered Emblem Manufacturing Materials tested by an approved independent testing Laboratory including All Thread, Fabrics, backings, and has passed all of the tests for the below harmful chemicals.

2009 Consumer Products Safety Act re. Lead & Phthalate DBP, DDP & DEHP in Product Contents.


Welcome to Patchwork Designs, Incorporated. We create embroidered patches, patch programs, activity kits, and embroidered merchandise for scouting, schools, historical buildings, museums, organizations, and special events.

Misfit Sock Angels Program
Community Service Program

Patch #SOCK-ANGEL: $2.00
Patch has white twill with a white thread edging.

Click here for the official Misfit Sock Angels site to learn more!

Click here to learn more about the Misfit Sock

Create a priceless gift from a misfit sock, give it to someone in need of a smile and became a MISFIT SOCK ANGEL

Through the Misfit Sock Angels program lonely and marginalized misifit socks become priceless gifts of JOY for those in need -furry friends included- and YOU become an "angel" for helping make that happen.

Misfit socks can be reimagined into so many wonderful gifts for the holiday season. In order to earn your angel wings, you must participate in one of three misfit sock gift-making projects. But your goodness doesn't stop there.

How do I get started?

  • First Flight: You might think about becoming acquainted with the misfit sock pile on your laundry room floor. You know the pile - those socks that have lost their match during the laundry cycle- we all have one. That's where we found the misfit sock magic, and still do.

  • Gather your misfit socks to stuff


  • Use your detective work, and find out who would like your STUFFED MISFIT SOCKS.

Some suggestions are:

Children or adults in need of a Holiday smile [Children: stuff socks with crayons, markers, small toys, and candies] [Adults: pens, playing cards, candies and mini lotions]

Animal Toys for local animal shelters.

You can also create sock dolls for local hospitals and family shelters

The ideas are endless...

  • Gather your supplies you need. You can collect or purchase items to place in the misfit socks. Suggestions for children are: jingle bell necklaces, pens, candies, and small toys.


  • Create your misfit sock gift. Don't forget that all Misfit Sock Angels tie their gifts with a note of JOY to celebrate the season.


  • Now you must now FLY to your destination and present your gift. You can decide to do this quietly or go as a group.


  • Earn a patch by becoming a misfit sock angel.


  • Share your project on Facebook.

Click here to take you to the Misfit Sock Website

Patch #SOCK-ANGEL: $2.00

You may also wish to participate in these other programs:
Misfit University and Spread the bread or Biscuits

You might also like:
Spread the Biscuits
Spread the Bread
Traveling Apron

Team Misfit
Million Misfit Sock March (stop bulling)



How the program got started

Our young daughters were holding "vigil" over a pile of misfit socks that had lost their perfect match during the laundry cylce. They believed in their hearts that these socks were sad, lost, lonely -left dripping in tears-after being cast aside and labeled "misfits." They wanted so desperately for those socks to feel loved again, needed again. I didn't give it much thought until the girls begged me to help them help these socks. What's a poor mother to do? So...I made a promise that we would find a way to make those socks feel loved again. But at the time, I had no idea how.

The Christmas season rolled around and our misfit sock pile had grown to what the girls called a "mountian." One afternoon I told them to carry up all of the misfits and dump them on the dining room table. I announced that we needed to dress those socks in their Sunday best and stuff them with Christmas goodies because the misifit socks were the perfect gift of simple JOY to celebrate the season.

The girls loved decorating the socks and stuffing them with jingle bells, candy, notes, reindeer carrots, little pinecones and more. Then we tied the misfit socks with BIG red ribbons and a misfit sock poem.

Early on Christmas Eve morning, we decorated our wheelbarrow to resemble a sleigh, put on some spiffy elf hats and quietly tied the misfit socks to every neighbor's doorknob in our neighboorhood. The misfit socks were loved again and a family tradition was born for years to come. ~ The Kiefer Family