Welcome to Patchwork Designs, Incorporated.

Winning Patch Programs

Historically Speaking State Patch Programs

Historically Speaking Country Patch Programs

Other Historically Speaking Patch Programs
Juliette Low Series 5

Other Patch Programs

Christmas Around the World
Discovering Sweet Treats

Dont See Something Here?

If you want to cast your vote, click below and we will tally the votes for next year!

* If you are from a state of country you would like seen put into production, if you send us information the program will be completed much quicker.

Information such as what makes the place unique, landmarks, festivals, symbols, famous people, historical events, recipes, ect.

email them to us

or mail items to:
Patchwork Designs, Inc.
8421 Churchside Drive
Gainesville, VA 20155

All items will be returned if you wish for them back.